At Kalari Club I was initiated to the most ancient martial arts traditions of Kerala, Kalaripayattu. After few classes by our expert masters I realized that Kalari instigates a flow of energy in our bodies with premeditated movements and stances . Each movement in Kalari has a meaning, our expert masters deciphers it for us, teaching us the poses making us do it again and again until those are registered in our subconscious mind. Eventually the flow of movements in Kalari becomes very meditative and one reaches a state bliss as they advances each level of learning. The epitome of the art of combat in Kalari points to the fact that we are combating our own fears. Showing us the way to tread ahead annihilating the darkness around us, our own Dr, Rahis Gurukkal, the torch bearer of Kalari traditions in the UAE and the masters Mr. Sarath , Mr. Vishnu and Ms. Ahalya . My heart felt gratitude to our Kalari lineage for passing on to us the knowledge of Kalari- the secret of a holistic lifestyle.

After the post covid weight gain and sluggishness I was looking around for a gym to reshape myself when I heard of this Kalari club from my relative.Although I laughed at the idea of myself doing Kalari, I decided to attend the trial classes to see whether this will suit me. Surprisingly ,whatever your age,ability,gender or level of fitness you can fit in. I was impressed by the team of enthusiastic and passionate trainers who engages and encourages each student according to their strengths. I like the mix of people and watching the kids motivates me to try. Kalari is a wholesome package that includes the fitness routines that promote strength,flexibility,agility,balance and coordination along with mental focus.There is something for everyone whatever their goal is.Kalari doesn’t bore me like the mundane gym routines which makes me quit after a few classes . I am sure the positivity of the trainers and the friendly environment will have a positive impact on anyone who chooses to join as it had on me. Convenient parking, location,good hours and reasonable prices are added attractions.Don’t hesitate to join if you are looking for a place to socialise and to keep you mentally or physically active .

I have been a fond follower of Kalaripayattu since my childhood and it was an absolute pleasure to have walked into Kalari Club Dubai and Dr Rahis Gurukkal who offers an unique blend of authentic Kalaripayattu in the modern times. As curious as I am, the different types of movements and techniques including weapon training have had me hooked to Kalaripayattu since my first day. Would definitely recommend the whole team of Kalari Club Dubai to anyone willing to explore Kalaripayattu in Dubai.

After practicing Kung fu during school days and further MMA, It was always in my to do list to get enrolled in Kalaripayattu which i could a year ago when i vsited Kalari Club in Dubai and met beloved Dr Rahis Gurukkal. When we talk about a club which provides training for martial arts, I would rather say as far as Kalari Club is concerned, it is a place where we train like a family, join hands for common purpose irrespective of nationality, cast, creed, likes, dislikes and a place where we can see a person being bulit with patience, empathy, focus and discipline. Iam really greatful to the masters and gurukkal for being our mentor and guiding us to learn "The mother of martial arts" .

Kalaripayattu more than a martial art is a complete lifestyle. It redefines the relevance of an ancient art of the battlefield with 21st century problems both mentally,physically and spiritually. The classes at Kalari Club is extremely flexible and their exclusive syllabus is tailor made for people of all ages and physical capabilities. Kalari Club Dubai being the first authentic Kalari in the UAE has given me the opportunity to be part of a prestigious lineage in this divine artform.

KALARI CLUB DUBAI has made me achieve self confidence , mental alertness , my body has maneuvered to making me acquire Great Fitness level which I would never have expected. the World Class Kalarippayattu Experts not only provide great training but make u feel as its are home and the Club is are family. DR Rahis Gurukkal is an institution by itself his team provides hard-core metal n physical training which is world renowned.

Our experience of learning Kalaripayattu has been one of transformation: that which we can observe physically while experiencing a shift psychologically. Our Ashan, Dr Rahis Gurukkal, imparts valuable practical knowledge, and our Coaches impel us to train harder to improve endurance and strength. Grateful for this team and their resolute efforts in creating a solid Kalari community.

Kalaripayattu " The mother of martial arts.. Getting trained in Kalaripayattu not only teaches self defense where as it also does the transformation of mind , body and soul.. flexibility ,reflex , timing, strength, concentration, mobility , stress buster's all in built .If you are looking at all these aspects ,come in and learn the traditional way at Kalari Club Dubai under the guidance of talented ,qualified and highly professional young Coach Dr. Rahis Gurukkal and team.. With the kind of life style we are in today and to be more relieved from the physical and mental stress ,I personally recommend everyone to join and feel the difference in your daily life .. Discover yourselves through a wonderful martial art which is in existence since 3000 years orginated from India

I have been very lucky to be a part of Kalari Club Dubai and get trained under one of the best Kalaripayyattu practitioners in the world, Dr. Rahis Gurukkal and his energetic team of coaches. In fact, Kalari should be considered as a lifestyle than a mere physical exercise. Here, we train our mind, body and spirit. The training which is provided at Kalari Club Dubai is hightly efficient, effective and methodological . The syllabus followed in our Kalari Club is awesome, updated and can be practiced by anyone from age 4 to 75 years. We does the most natural body movements to have a positive impact as a whole. You will get the best of everything...the best training , best techniques, healthy physique and a very healthy and attentive mind. At Kalari club, we always keep the happiness index to the highest level. We always try to follow traditional practices and we celebrate each and every occasion. And this makes us feel like family. I thank Dr. Rahis Gurukkal for his efforts to bring the actual essence of Kalaripayyattu outside India and help building up the next generation with a strong and healthy, body and mind.

Exceptional training at Kalari Club, Dubai! Grateful to Dr. Rahis Gurukkal and the dedicated instructors for introducing me to Kalaripayattu, one of the world's oldest fighting systems. The experience provided valuable insights into both Indian and Chinese martial arts. Looking forward to revisiting on my next trip to Dubai.

Grateful for Dr. Rahis Gurukkal, Kalaripayattu transformed my life. The welcoming, supportive, and friendly atmosphere in the kalari Clu Dubai is unparalleled. Kalari offers a unique quality of living with a healthy body and a calm mind. It's not just physical; it's a spiritual practice, and being part of this traditional martial art family has been one of the best moments on my spiritual path. Special thanks to the coaches for making the practice comfortable for all levels. Highly recommend experiencing this life-changing journey!